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Old 06/04/2011, 10:29  
Mike Nickel
Posts: n/a
Default DIY mouth care tips for men

Majority of men overlook their bodily requirements. May it be an injury, burn, or a skin problem men very easily avoid such problems until and unless it is an emergency. Just like other problems men to avoid or neglect oral care. Men forget that a good smile and a good oral hygiene is the also the most important factor along with their external looks. Mouth care is simple for all. It just involves brushing teeth twice a day and regular flossing- the basic way to take care of the mouth and the health.

Along with flossing and brushing here are few more tips that men can easily follow. These are:

* Brushing with a paste that contains fluoride. Brushing once after waking up and before going to bed helps to clean the food particles and helps the mouth from causing bad breath

* Do flossing daily. It helps in removing the food particles present in between the teeth and the gum line. If flossing is not done daily then over time it may result in tooth decay.
* Avoid intake of sticky or sugary foods because they stick to the teeth and in long run its deposition may result in causing plaque and tooth decay
* It is also important to avoid smoking. Smoking ups the risk of causing gingivitis, periodontitis and also oral cancer. Within a short span smoking may lead to bad breath and also lead to stains in the tooth. So, it is important to keep away from smoking for healthy and good teeth.
* Paying visit to the dentist regularly is a must. Change in the color of the tooth, chipped teeth and other problems can easily be diagnosed at an initial stage and treated earlier to avoid falling or decaying of teeth.

A good oral care includes:

* Keeping the teeth clean.
* Not having bad breath
* No bleeding of gums while flossing or brushing.


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