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Old 03/07/2013, 11:59  
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Default con cuantos meses se pueden llevar ala playa al bebe?

Mi bebe tiene 2 meses y cuatro dias y soy de elche y por lo tanto tengo la playa muy cerquita y queria saber si la puedo bañar y llevar ala playa teniendo los cuidados necesarios..por ejem apartir de las 5 de la tarde con una buena sombrilla, gorrito, etc....
Vosotras que opinais?
Old 03/07/2013, 12:05  
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Default Respuesta: con cuantos meses se pueden llevar ala playa al bebe?


Lo mejor es que te lo diga el pediatra, pero una amiga mia lo tuvo hace tres meses y le han dicho que nada de sol ni playa hasta los 4 o 5 meses con proteccion ni con sombrilla, ya que la piel todavia es muy sensible.

Pero ya sabes, el pediatra es el q te sacará de dudas.
Old 03/07/2013, 12:51  
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Default Respuesta: con cuantos meses se pueden llevar ala playa al bebe?

Yo soy de Elche también y mi hija nació en abril (de 2011). Lo primero es que lo consultes con tu pediatra. Lo segundo, yo sí que la bajé a la playa el año que nació, no con dos meses, fue en agosto, con cuatro ya, y a partir de las 7 de la tarde. Evidentemente, a esas horas, sólo se bañó algún día de mucho calor.

Pero lo dicho: lo que el médico te aconseje

Old 04/07/2013, 09:54  
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Default Respuesta: con cuantos meses se pueden llevar ala playa al bebe?

Esta es una duda que me venia a mi a la cabeza!

Yo doy a luz a principios de Agosto y en septiembre me gustaria escaparme unos dias a descansar y ver la brisa del mar, yo vivo en el intererior y me gusta ver la playita una vez al año porque la vdd es que me relaja muchisimo.

Mi idea era ir con la nena con un mesecito, realmente queriamos ir a un hotel a que nos hicieran todo, tenemos lugar en la playa donde alojarnos pero este año queremos ir todo hecho, lo hablare con el pediatra una vez nazca, pero veo por lo que decis que ir a la playa nada, aunque sea para darme un chapuzon y pa casa.

En fin tal vez busque un sitio con playa y piscina y todo solucionado.
Old 04/07/2013, 17:18  
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Default Respuesta: con cuantos meses se pueden llevar ala playa al bebe?

Hola a todas, lo mejor es que te lo diga el médico pero vamos un poco de solecito cuando el sol esté bajo no creo que pase nada.
Os cuento mi experiencia yo nací antes de tiempo y nací en Abril, nací muy amarilla y aunque estuve en la incubadora no conseguía coger colorcito, estábamos en Marbella a pie de playa como quien dice, el médico le dijo a mi madre que cuando tuviera un mes me llevara 5 o 10 minutos cuando el sol estuviera muy bajo que me pusiera un gorrito y para casa y así lo hizo pisé la playa con un mes, hizo lo que le dijo el médico y ni me quemé ni nada por el estilo y en menos de un mes yo ya tenía un buen color y ya no estaba amarillenta, pero vamos lo mejor es que lo consultes.
Un poco de sol y de aire no le vendrá mal, pensad que cuando tienen poco tiempo y los sacáis a la calle aunque tengan sombrilla o capota les da el sol también, un saludo.
Old 04/07/2013, 20:19  
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Default Respuesta: con cuantos meses se pueden llevar ala playa al bebe?

Hola!Yo tengo un niño de año y medio,y este ha sido el primer verano que lo he llevado a la playa,y nunca de doce a cinco,son las peores horas del día.El año pasado le pregunté a una dermatóloga sobre llevarlo a la playa,y medijo que los menores de tres años no deberíand e tomar el sol(yo hasta el año lo veo bien) y la pediatra de mi nene me dijo que año pasado que esperase hasta este.Así que es lo que hice.Recuerda que si lo llevas un ratito,no debe darle el sol en ningún momento,estar muy hidratado con su leche y agua,y estar en un lugar fresquito.Evita llevarlo a las horas centrales del día,y no pasar muchas horas seguidas,que son muy peques y se pueden agobiar
Old 07/07/2013, 13:29  
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Rumple's Peter Pan Connection Revealed
The Once Upon a Time Season 2 finale ended with six of our main characters in or on their way to Neverland, and a clue that one of them may have met Peter Pan before. We puzzled, but thankfully, showrunners Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis told Entertainment Weekly about Rumple (Robert Carlyle) connection to Pan.
he could be untying his shoes! Adam said. all seriousness, it kind of what Belle articulates at the end of Season 2: The future, it never what you think. That doesn mean it not going to be terrible, but it never quite exactly what you think. What that prophecy actually means and how it going to play out is something he going to find out the hard way. Hook (well, the Jolly Roger, but whatever). We have not one, but two sets of sworn enemies in Snow and Regina and Rumple and Hook. They seem to have set aside their differences in the quest to rescue Henry, but that doesn mean the expedition will be without drama.
absolutely knows who Peter Pan is, Eddy said. true Mr. Gold/Rumple style, he knows more than Greg and Tamara. Adam added, there certainly the implication that there a history there, one we eager to unfold. sounds like Rumple will be playing a key role in the visit to Neverland to rescue Henry. Could the prophecy that Henry will be Rumple have anything to do with Peter Pan search for Henry? And what does mean?
because you want the same thing, doesn mean you agree on the methods, Adam pointed out. that going to be some of the drama there. Despite the fact that they all want to save Henry, they have a long and difficult history with each other that they need to deal with. like it going to be a rocky ride! We can wait to hear the argument over who going to swab the decks. Rumple is probably regretting turning Smee into a rat right about now.

</strong> NetDoctor is a publication of Hearst Magazines UK which is the trading name of The National Magazine Company Ltd, 72 Broadwick Street, London, W1F 9EP. Registered in England 112955.
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</strong> What is the meaning of The Hunger Games
This bird is the Mockingjay, a famous symbol used especially in later on books, but first mentioned in the first book. Basically, it's a pin that was worn by Katniss during the Hunger Games.
The Mockingjay becomes the symbol of revolution. After Katniss defied the will of the Capitol at the end of The Hunger Games, her Mockingjay pin became a symbol for revolutionaries everywhere, leading to a second rebellion against the Capitol. Katniss herself becomes a similar symbol after her stylist puts her in a dress that transforms to resemble a mockingjay's feathers, and Katniss herself becomes known as "the Mockingjay".
The Mockingjay resulted from a genetic mishap where the Capitol genetically engineered blue jays to exactly reproduce conversations, known as jabberjays, during the first revolution against the Capitol. Their usefulness eventually waned, as the revolutionaries found out about them, and started passing false intelligence to the birds. These birds weren't suppose to mate, they were all male, but they ended up mating with native mockingbirds, to produce mockingjays. The mockingjays had some voice in particular, they could sing simple songs but did not have the full range of reproduction of the jabberjays. The Capitol ended up with egg on their faces, as not only did the jabberjays prove a resounding failure, but the reminder of that failure lives on long after all the pure jabberjays died off.

</strong> Hi! I am 29 yrs old. Just had extraction approximately three weeks ago of canine root canalled tooth. Now, I am very worried because there is a hard white lump growing in the middle of the gum hole (site where tooth was extracted). This appeared a week after tooth extraction, i thought this was just normal, but I noticed that it's growing bigger. It doesn't hurt and the wound surrounding the white lump is healing well. i was just wondering if any of you have experienced the same thing coz I am a bit of a hypochondriac and I am freaking out.
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white lump on gum hole after extraction

</strong> Gerba added that day care centers and young children's classrooms are also full of germs, as are airplane toilets.
But a washing machine is just one of many germladen objects that you may encounter in a given day. Handrails, ATM's, refrigerator handles and telephone handsets are among the others.
"There's about a tenth of a gram of poop in the average pair of underwear," he added.
"The ultraviolet radiation kills germs," said Tierno. "It's just as effective as bleach," he added.
Another option is to periodically clean your washing machine with bleach and water without any clothing in it just let the machine go through its regular cycle.
Old 07/07/2013, 13:31  
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Inside your hair follicles, there are small glands producing oil called sebum. This oil mixes with skin cells in the follicle and joins them on the journey outward. But when there's too much sebum, too many dead skin cells or something on the surface that blocks their exit from the follicle, a blockage can occur. Bacteria joins the party, and the result is acne vulgaris, the most common form of acne.
15 Ways to Get Rid of Acne
While acne usually affects teenagers and 20somethings the most, anyone of any age can get acne, even babies. Our instinctual response picking at it, rubbing it and canceling our social engagements doesn't help in the least, but fortunately, there are some treatments available that can.
Your skin is your largest organ, and it does a lot more than simply prevent you from spilling out all over the place. Skin cells are constantly replacing themselves, making a journey from the inner edge of your epidermis (your skin's outermost layer) to the outside of your skin. As a skin cell ages and approaches the skin's surface, the dying cell flattens out. Once on the surface, it joins countless other dead skin cells and forms a protective layer that helps protect you from bacteria and viruses.

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</strong> Maybe you want to try the DASH diet, but aren't quite sure how to incorporate DASH into your own daily menus. To help you get started, here are three days' worth of menus that conform to the DASH plan. Use these menus as a basis for your own healthy meal planning.
Nutrition basics (20)Dietary fiber: Essential for a healthy diet Artificial sweeteners and other sugar substitutes Added sugar: Don't get sabotaged by sweeteners see all in Nutrition basics Healthy diets (12)DASH diet: Tips for dining out DASH diet: Tips for shopping and cooking DASH diet: Healthy eating to lower your blood pressure see all in Healthy diets Healthy cooking (14)Meatless meals: The benefits of eating less meat Healthy cooking for 1 or 2 Beans and other legumes: Types and cooking tips see all in Healthy cooking Healthy menus and shopping strategies (13)Free range and other meat and poultry terms Cuts of beef: A guide to the leanest selections Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid: A sample menu see all in Healthy menus and shopping strategies Nutritional supplements (3)Herbal supplements: What to know before you buy Calcium and calcium supplements: Achieving the right balance Supplements: Nutrition in a pill?
Sample menus for the DASH eating planInterested in following the DASH eating plan but not sure how? Here are sample menus to get you started. By Mayo Clinic staff The eating plan known as Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) is used to lower or control high blood pressure. The DASH diet contains foods that are lower in sodium. A key goal is to include foods that are rich in nutrients that are also associated with lowering blood pressure potassium, magnesium and calcium. The DASH diet features menus with plenty of vegetables, fruits and lowfat dairy products, as well as whole grains, fish, poultry and nuts. It offers limited portions of red meats, sweets and sugary beverages.
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</strong> 2 Messenger bag Aptly named, the messenger bag is designed after the bags traditionally carried throughout history by whom else? messengers. Often made from canvas and swung across the shoulder, messenger bags have taken on a whole new meaning in urban fashion. From students with canvas bags to urban hipsters with modern leather bags, the messenger laidback style will always have a classic casual flair, but today leather messenger tote also exudes a hint of uptown sophistication.
1 Briefcase Briefcases are probably the oldest form of handbags for men. Modernday briefcases, however, have evolved a great deal since the days of your father sharpcornered case. They no longer boxy; in fact, that about the only traditional element discarded in the modern briefcase. The classic shape (without the sharp corners), buckles, leather exterior, and practical interior compartments help make this bag a timeless addition to any workingman wardrobe.
Carry with: Business attire
6 Types Of Men's Bags
3 Holdall Any traveling man needs a holdall for those weekend jaunts or threeday business trips. Big, bulky luggage has transformed into sleek, stylish holdalls (or carryalls). Its design is inspired by the duffel bag, but its predominantly leather exterior and more refined appearance attribute a classic look to this practical tote.
Old 07/07/2013, 17:26  
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Default Respuesta: con cuantos meses se pueden llevar ala playa al bebe?

Originally Posted by Amishura View Post
Esta es una duda que me venia a mi a la cabeza!

En fin tal vez busque un sitio con playa y piscina y todo solucionado.
Playa o piscina será lo mismo, el sol le va a dar igual no?

Se trata de que no le de el sol siendo muy pequeño, pero vamos que lo mismo que llevar al bebe al campo y ponerlo al sol a las 12 del mediodía.

En general, protección y evitar las horas centrales de sol, estés donde estés. Y si es un bebé muy pequeño, no exponerlo directamente.
Old 07/07/2013, 18:21  
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Default Respuesta: con cuantos meses se pueden llevar ala playa al bebe?

Marc tiene dos meses y ayer nos pasamos el dia en la piscina!
Eso si, en la sombrita, mucha proteccion solar, gorrito,y lo refrescaba cada dos por tres

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